Author Archives: FOXITBLOG
- May 13, 2020
Scanned documents are usually efficient to transmit, but large document files can be bothersome as they may be too big to email, or so big that downloading it takes minutes (or even hours, in extreme cases). This is obviously a ...
- April 30, 2020
No, and here’s why. File compression is indeed very helpful for saving on storage costs – sometimes over 50%! However, there are far more valuable benefits to utilizing this vital software as well, some of which might even surprise you....
- April 23, 2020
Active Content is a fantastic way to automatically keep documents current well after their creation. You can embed code and even dynamic web links into HTML, Office documents and PDF files. This enables a document to automatically update itself by ...
- April 16, 2020
Grundsätzlich erreichen alle Softwarelösungen zur Komprimierung von PDFs die gleiche Sache: die PDF-Größe wird reduziert, um höhere Übertragungsgeschwindigkeiten und geringere Speicherkosten zu erreichen. Billige und kostenlose PDF-Komprimierungssoftware optimiert Ihre PDFs jedoch normalerweise nicht ausreichend. Wenn Sie sich für die Lizensierung ...
- April 16, 2020
One obvious advantage of compressing PDF files for email is the small file size. However, there are several other benefits that go unnoticed, regarding the ways a compressed PDF file affects an organization. Elimination of dead call time with faster ...