Author Archives: FOXITBLOG
- October 17, 2019
Did you know that there’s more than one way in PDF software such as Foxit PDF Editor to apply your signature to a document? The two ways are: Quick PDF sign Digital signature They’re very different—not only in how ...
- October 11, 2019
Redaction—or rather, the failure to properly redact—hits the news periodically as everyone from private companies to government organizations occasionally mistakenly releases confidential information that someone supposedly removed. The most recent case involves the Australian Federal Police, who unwittingly sent confidential ...
- October 8, 2019
When it comes to providing reference to another piece of content, nothing beats the mighty hyperlink when you’re browsing the Web. Whether the referenced content is contained in the same web page, document or on another server, a simple hyperlink ...
- October 4, 2019
In our last blog article, we covered how to create an interactive form using an already designed non-interactive one but this one willo cover How To Create an Editable PDF Form. But suppose you want to create a brand new ...
- September 25, 2019
Not everyone uses PDF software from the onset of document creation, even though they can. In fact, because of all the most recent features added to professional PDF software such as Foxit PhantomPDF, the ideal way to create a document ...