- April 11, 2022

PDFs are a great way to share information that is meant to be printed, but they can be difficult to view on electronic devices.
HTML, on the other hand, is designed for display on screens. If you have a PDF that you want to view as HTML, there are a few different ways to go about converting it.
One option is to use an online PDF to HTML converter.
These tools can be found for free with a quick search. They work by uploading your PDF and then outputting the HTML code, which you can then save and view in your browser.
The downside of this method is that it can be time-consuming to upload and download files, and you may not have control over the quality of the conversion.
Another option is to use PDF software, such as Foxit’s PDF Editor, that has HTML conversion capabilities built-in. Adobe Acrobat, for example, can export PDFs as HTML.
This method will likely give you more control over the quality of the conversion, but it will require you to download and install additional software.
Once you have converted your PDF to HTML, you will be able to view it in any web browser.
This can be a great way to make information that was originally meant for print more accessible.
Here are the specific steps to follow to transform your existing PDF into HTML using Foxit’s PDF Editor:
How to Create HTML out of an Existing PDF
1. Click File > Export, or navigate to the Convert tab.
2. Choose To HTML. (Tip: You can also export it through File > Save As.)
3. In the pop-up dialog box, specify the file name and location. Select View Result to open the output file after the conversion process is completed.
4. (Optional) You can select more options from “Settings” in the Save As dialog box before saving the file. In the Save as htm setting dialog box, select options as needed.
Page Range: chooses the page range you want to export.
Content Setting: selects Include Images to export images in the PDF. The setting is not available if you choose Image-based document in Export Engine Settings.
File and Navigation Pane Settings: chooses Single HTML Page to export the PDF to a single HTML file, and you can add headings and bookmarks in the navigation pane of the output HTML file; or choose Multiple HTML Pages to split the PDF by its headings or bookmarks into several HTML files. The settings are not available if you choose Image-based document in Export Engine Settings.
Export Engine Settings: If the PDF is primarily images and non-text objects, the Image-based document option is recommended. If you choose Image-based document, click Setting Language to select the language for OCR.
Restore Default: reverts to the original default settings.
5. Click Save, and the HTML file will be created and opened in your default web browser.
Get Started Today!
PDFs are a great way to share documents, but they can be a pain to work with.
Luckily, there are a number of tools that can help you convert PDFs to HTML, making it easy to edit and share your documents.
Foxit PDF Converter is one of the most popular PDF converters on the market. With just a few clicks, you can create PDFs from HTML pages or convert PDFs to HTML files.
What’s more, Foxit PDF Converter is free to use, so you can get started today.
So why wait?
Give Foxit PDF Converter a try and see how easy it is to work with PDFs.
Thank you! I was looking for a solution for so long, my daughter needed to convert files from PDF to html, after your tutorial I did it at the first time, even though it was the first time I did it. Thank you so much!
Thank you, Monika! We’re glad to hear our tutorial was helpful for you!