Foxit AI User Guidelines

Foxit AI User Guidelines

Your use of Foxit’s AI solutions is governed by Foxit AI User Guidelines which are incorporated into Foxit End-User License Agreement (Foxit EULA) and Foxit General Terms of Service. The Guidelines reflect our commitment to maintain consistency with applicable Laws and regulations and company’s values and to advance trustworthy AI for our users and clients.

1. No AI / ML Trainings

When using our AI features, you agree you will use them only for your creative and productivity work product and not to train artificial intelligence or machine learning models.

2. Take responsibility

Foxit does not take any responsibility for quality of the content in the input to or output of the underlying generative AI models, including but not limited to cases listed below. As user, you are responsible for verifying the content.

You are prohibited to use Foxit’s AI solutions to create, upload, share or distribute abusive, or illegal, or content that violates the rights of others. This includes, but is not limited to the following:

3. Respect Third-Party Rights

You are not allowed to use Foxit’s AI solutions to create, upload, or share content that violates third-party intellectual property rights (copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity, or other rights). To create accurate content, refrain from entering text prompts designed to generate copyright, trademark, or otherwise infringing content, uploading an input or reference image that includes a third-party’s copyrighted content, generating text plagiarized third-party content, or using a third-party’s personal information in violation of their privacy or data protection rights. If you have doubts about whether your content is in conflict with third-party rights or not, please seek professional legal advice or contact:

4. No professional advice

The content created by Foxit’s AI solutions cannot replace the advice provided by officially recognized professionals. Do not use Foxit’s AI solutions to replace medical, legal, financial, or other kind of professional expertise. In case of violation of this rule, Foxit cannot be held liable for and will not indemnify you in case of the material or immaterial damages caused by such acts.

5. Use your judgment

Be guided by your judgment when reviewing and validating the content of the generated outputs. Outputs may contain hateful, abusive, profane, inaccurate or ungrounded, misleading or false information.

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