1 Drag and drop your PDF file onto our online PDF to Word converter.
2 Click 'Start Conversion', Foxit's service will then convert your PDF to Word document (.docx), and then wait for the conversion to complete.
3 Click 'Download your file' to save the converted Word document to your computer.
Convert PDF to Word files
A quick and easy way to convert PDF to a Word file with the Foxit PDF to Word online converter. Drag and drop your PDF, click convert, then download your converted file.
Fast and accurate PDF to DOCX converter
PDF to Word online converter converts PDF files into DOCX files lightning fast! Conversion also includes formatting, hyperlinks, and other file attributes.
Safe and Secure
After conversion, Foxit PDF to Word online converter deletes both the original and converted files, so your information safe.
FAQs on our PDF to Word Converter
Yes, the online PDF to Word converter is free for everyone! You can easily convert PDF to Word without any hidden fees or the need to purchase anything. However, Foxit also offers a premium version with extra features if you need more advanced functionality.
Absolutely! One of the best features of Foxit's PDF to Word converter is that it retains all the formatting from the original document. So, whether you have tables, images, or special fonts in your PDF, they’ll all be neatly preserved when you convert from PDF to Word. Our PDF to Word tool takes care of everything. No input or edits required on your part.
Security is a top priority. When you convert a PDF to a Word document, your files are kept safe. Both the original and converted documents are deleted from the server once you've downloaded your file, ensuring your data remains private. Your security and peace of mind are our top priorities.
Yes, you can! Foxit’s PDF to Word converter includes OCR (optical character recognition) technology, which means you can turn scanned PDFs into fully editable Word documents. This feature is especially helpful if you’re working with image-based PDFs.
Foxit’s tool mainly focuses on converting PDF to Word documents (DOCX format), but it also offers other conversion options like PDF to Excel, PDF to PowerPoint, and PDF to JPG. You can also convert files into PDF format from Word, Excel, and more.
Nope! There’s no specific file size limit when you use Foxit to convert PDF to Word document. Whether your file is a few pages long or a large, detailed document, you can upload it for conversion without worries.
Yes, the PDF to Word converter is fully mobile-friendly. You can access the tool from your smartphone or tablet, making it easy to convert files on the go. Just drag your PDF file into the converter, hit “Convert,” and you're good to go!
No registration is required to convert PDF to Word online. You can use the tool without the hassle of creating an account. However, if you want access to more features, you can sign up for a premium account.
Currently, the online tool allows one PDF to be converted at a time. However, if you need to convert multiple PDFs, you can use the desktop version of Foxit, which supports batch conversions and many other advanced features.
Foxit’s tool is designed for speed and efficiency. The time it takes to convert a PDF to a Word document depends on the file size and complexity, but in most cases, the conversion process is completed in seconds.
Yes, you can convert password-protected PDFs, but you will need to provide the correct password before the conversion can proceed.
No, there’s no limit! You can use the PDF to Word converter as many times as you need. Whether you're converting one document or several, Foxit has you covered without any restrictions.
No! Foxit’s tools can be used in combination or a la carte, according to your individual needs or the needs of your business. Our PDF to Word tool is all you need for a file conversion.
Foxit PDF to Word online converter supports all computers and operating systems.
You just need a computer, browser, and Internet connection to use the PDF to Word online conversion service.
Yes, download Foxit PDF Editor and get Foxit online services as well as tons of other much needed features on your desktop.
Join over half a billion users that have chosen award–winning Foxit products to achieve their paperless office strategy. Find out why they rely on Foxit as their partner when it comes to their PDF needs and increased productivity.
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Foxit PDF Editor
PDFs get made with Foxit.
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